Let’s Try This Again, Shall We? (aka, Lauren attempts to blog, part 2)

Hey everyone!  So, I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus for the past, say, six months *cringe*.  I know, I know.  I’m pretty ashamed of myself.  Back when I started this blog in September, I was so excited about starting my blog journey.  I kept up with my posts and did my research well ahead of schedule, and I absolutely loved interacting with you guys and writing about what I love the most.  So, what happened???

I suppose life has a way of getting in the way of things sometimes!  A lot has happened between now and the last time I posted, which was in the beginning of November.  I’ve been through a whole process of looking for a job, struggling to find a job, finding a job, building a new schedule around this job, you get the picture.  Plus, family life has been a bit crazy as well, but I won’t go into details on that.  All in all, trying to figure out life has been difficult and time-consuming.  I still haven’t figured out life, not even close!  However, I am in a much better place now than I was back in November.  Now that I am in this better place, I believe that I am ready to start blogging again.  These six months have given me enough time to clear my mind and fill it with some new ideas that I want to share with you kind folks!  We can call it “Lauren attempts to blog, Part 2”! 😃

Since it has been a while since I have been here, let me go ahead and reintroduce myself:



Hello!  My name is not Inigo Montoya, but it is Lauren, lol!  I am a nerdy millennial from North Carolina who has a passion for music, “The Princess Bride”, and cheesy memes.  If you want to learn more about why I started this blog in the first place, you can click HERE to read my first-ever post, or HERE for the “about this blog” page.

As far as blog format goes, I’m going to stick with the “Musical Monday” one post/week schedule previously established, with a musical theme for the month and weekly topics under that theme.  That being said, next week will technically be the start of “Lauren attempts to blog, Part 2”, with a playlist of songs to head start this fresh start!

As always, thank you guys for your interest in music!  Music is certainly one of the few pure things we have in this universe; can you even imagine a world without it?  I just love learning more and more about music, and I love sharing my findings with you guys even more!  I am so very excited to start this blogging journey (yet again) with you all, and I can’t wait to see where the journey leads us!

Until next week…

♪ Lauren

PS: If this is the first time you are hearing of Of Music And Muses, please feel free to check out some of my previous blog posts!  One of my favorite posts is THIS ONE, which highlights some reasons why music is played in public places! I also have a few curated playlists and some reviews on a few of my favorite artists, so click around!  I plan on sticking around a bit long this time, y’all can hold me to it😃

PPS:  I love feedback, especially now that I am giving the blog a bit of a makeover!  If you all have any suggestions, comments, or musical themes you’d like to explore, comment below!

Twitter: @ofmusicandmuses

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